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Jean Marie Paradis

Fire Light Series

Orange Flame

Orange Flame

Earthen Fire

Earthen Fire


Blue Flame

Blue Flame

Little red Corvette

Little Red Corvette

Land of the Free

Land of the Free


Fire Light is all about real wood and metal leafing… how else would one make a fire? I love fireplace and outdoor fires…
This is an attempt to create the visual warmth, movement and beauty of a fireplace.  These pieces are meant to become a constant fire that curls up cozily onto your wall.  The idea of warmth and flickering light will always relax me and lift my spirits.  I feel these are the gifts that these pieces are created to share.


For commissions: the background color and the size of the piece can change. But, Metal is Metal….either silver or gold toned.
I believe that the Fire Light Series looks as good horizontally or vertically.


Land of the Free is 46”H x 35”W    
Little Red Corvette is 46”H x 35”W 
Fire Light Chrome is 46”H x 35”W    no picture presently  
canvas & wood with chrome paint
sold out   I will be making more

Blue Flame is 14”H x 11”W               
Orange Flame is 14”H x 11”W           sold
Earthen Flame is 14”H x 11”W          sold